Architecture of a villa in Dubai

Intro: Polaris Villa – Kalbod Design Studio

Architecture of a villa in Dubai

 We were facing land with an area of 1400 square meters with a very steep slope located in the Mosha area of Damavand city. The slope difference in some parts reached 25 meters. The entrance to the land is from the southern part of the land and the building is constructed in the northern part. Our biggest challenge is to resolve this height difference so that the employer can drive to the parking lot of the project.

design and architecture of villas in dubai beach

design and architecture of villas in dubai area

On the other hand, the proper view of the building on the floors prevented us from reducing the height. The project is located in a mountainous area and most of the time the temperature tends to be cold, so the east, west, and north walls of the project are designed with maximum rigidity to help retain heat inside and protect the south light of the entrance.

design and architecture of villas in dubai

 The concept of the project is to use curved and moving lines due to its proximity to the Abali ski slope. The interference of these rotating lines shows the movement of professional skiers in the snow in different directions. One-shape and one-color materials of the project have also been necessary for the environmental adaptability of the project.

design and architecture of villas in the uae pictures

Villa architecture in the Dubai

 This project consists of 4 levels (3 levels on the ground and 1 level underground) According to the customer's request, on the ground floor, there is a gym, swimming pool, wet and dry sauna, spa, and Jacuzzi. The first floor includes a guest room, living room, sitting room, and dining room The third floor consists of 3 master rooms and a sitting room. Parking is located in the basement.

Minus Villa by Kalbod Studio The project unfolds across three distinct levels, with two levels gracefully situated above ground and an additional level artfully nestled underground, encapsulating a sprawling expanse of approximately 500 square meters. Aligning seamlessly with the client's vision, our design harmoniously marries functionality and aesthetics, catering to their desires for a multifaceted dwelling.

The ground floor accommodates an inviting suite for guests, fostering a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Ascending to the first floor reveals the presence of four meticulously crafted master bedrooms, each exuding a sense of luxury and tranquility. Adding to the allure of the residence are two exquisite pools—one nestled within the confines of the dwelling, creating an intimate aquatic haven, and the other extending outdoors, inviting nature into the living space. Crowning the structure is a thoughtfully designed roof garden, providing an oasis of greenery amidst the architectural grandeur.


Our design philosophy draws inspiration from the surrounding environment, embracing a contextual architecture that pays homage to the vernacular texture of the minus area. This approach ensures the preservation of two majestic trees on the site, infusing the project with a sense of rootedness and ecological sensitivity. A garden strategically illuminates the underground level, seamlessly merging the boundaries between exterior and interior, while casting a radiant glow on the below-ground realm.

A delicate balance between introversion and privacy characterizes the interior spaces, achieved through creating a triangular piece in the site plan. This architectural maneuver facilitates access between the landscape and the building, underscoring the interconnectedness of nature and structure. While this design element posed challenges in connecting the various levels, it ultimately became a pivotal feature, contributing to the project's unique identity.

To evoke a feeling of comfort and liberation, a distinctive curved line takes center stage, weaving through the design narrative. Consoles flanking the eastern and western perimeters further elongate the form, culminating in an elegant silhouette. The use of integrated materials, particularly concrete, enhances the cohesiveness of the form, marrying aesthetics with structural integrity.

Windows plays a pivotal role in bridging the realms of inside and outside, with an integrated and angled curtain wall shaping these transitional spaces. This intentional design choice serves to blur the boundaries, fostering a seamless connection between the interior and the natural surroundings. The intricate relationship between landscaping and the volumes of the structure has been meticulously considered, with a steadfast commitment to preserving the trees adjacent to the site.

Windows plays a pivotal role in bridging the realms of inside and outside, with an integrated and angled curtain wall shaping these transitional spaces. This intentional design choice serves to blur the boundaries, fostering a seamless connection between the interior and the natural surroundings. The intricate relationship between landscaping and the volumes of the structure has been meticulously considered, with a steadfast commitment to preserving the trees adjacent to the site.

design and architecture of villas on dubai beach

How Site Properties and Client’s Taste defines Villa Architecture in Dubai

The client plays a critical role in the architectural or interior design process and the architect’s ultimate goal is to achieve the client’s vision. The client may know if they want a new building, a remodeled home, or an interior improvement, but they lack a fully developed vision. As a designer, an architect must educate the client with the correct pieces of advice to make important decisions during every step of the process.

Most of the great architecture firms reply to the question of “what they see as their key to success” with the following answer: involving the in the process as much as they wish to be. Being open to any requests and suggestions from clients while knowing that they are the experts when it comes to finding out how the space will be used. This process mostly works when the client is willing to live or work in the space the architects are designing for them and in this case the clients are valuable members of each design team since they are the main source of inspiration in the early stages of design and architecture. Kalbod Company is proud to provide you with all the information you need about the Villa architecture Design in Dubai .

Architecture of a villa in Dubai

When the clients have a specific idea or taste, it often provides a great jumping-off point for the architectural design process. While the architects aren’t always able to deliver every single thing their clients wish for, due to code restrictions or other factors, the client’s ideas, and character light the way for beginning the design process which usually can satisfy the need or want behind each suggestion the clients make by coming up with creative design solutions.

Narrowing down the client’s role in designing residential projects, the design team starts the process by asking clients a lot of questions. Designing a home does not limit to just designing beautiful spaces, but also spaces that will be used and enjoyed, and that will serve the family well for many years to come, which can only be done by extensive input from the clients.

design and architecture of villas in dubai beach

In the end, a tight collaboration between an architect and a client leads to better results and a higher level of satisfaction for the client. In this article, we are going to focus on the design and architecture of villas in the Dubai area that were led by the client’s characteristics, tastes, and other inputs.

Design and architecture of villas on Dubai Beach: The Burj Residence by VSHD Design

design and architecture of villas in dubai area

This project is one of the greatest examples of the architecture of a villa in Dubai, which is located in one of the city’s most compact residential neighborhoods and is surrounded by many low-rise single houses.

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The client requested a design that ensures the highest level of privacy and allows for the construction of a house on a relatively small-sized plot. The client also requested a certain level of grandeur with a great deal of natural light.

design and architecture of villas in dubai area

design and architecture of villas in dubai city

design and architecture of villas in the Dubai area

VSHD Design created an L-Shaped house that looks into the inside of the plot where the family can enjoy the pool and the lush garden area while maintaining their privacy, to become one of the most successful projects in the design and architecture of villas in Dubai city.

Based on the client’s way of living, the design team created an entry experience that starts at the boundary wall making the most out of the site. Also, to improve the sense of welcome, in this villa architecture in Dubai, a timber overhang was used to complete the geometry of the “L” and to give privacy to the internal corridor from the street side.

design and architecture of villas in dubai city

design and architecture of villas in the uae pictures

One of the challenges was the definition of grandeur in the architecture of a villa in Dubai, as the client requested. In a region where grandeur is still widely expected to be shiny with lots of glitters, a mood of grandeur needed to be created, a magnificent space minus all the usual glitter, creating a minimal yet luxurious feeling. This kind of grandiosity in the design and architecture of villas in Dubai could only be achieved through primarying proportions, the use of natural materials, and natural light. Read the best villa architects in dubai article for more information

Villa architecture in the Dubai

Villa architecture in the Dubai

One of the main focuses of the architecture of a villa in Dubai in this project was the scale, which played a key role in the design process, where all the openings were fitted with full-height doors and windows that reach the ceiling level giving all these objects a powerful presence and allowing for ample natural light.

Architecture of a villa in Dubai

design and architecture of villas in dubai beach

To provide a sense of privacy the client mentioned in phase one of the design and architecture of a villa in Dubai, the internal L outline has become transparent with large spans of sliding glass doors. The large glass panels have a slim linear profile creating a seamless boundary between the outdoors and the indoors. This opens up the house to a view of the pool and garden and creates a visual link between all the living spaces.

Architecture of a villa in Dubai

Architecture of a villa in Dubai

design and architecture of villas in dubai

design and architecture of villas in dubai beach

The J villa is located on a square site in a quiet Jumeirah residential street in Dubai and it is identified by a row of mature Ghaf trees along the street edge. Ghaf is the national tree of the UAE of cultural and traditional significance with a canopy that appears like a filter when light passes through.

The client in this project was very fond of the cultural and natural elements of the Emirates and that’s the leading point for the design team. The concept is a reinterpretation of vernacular architecture employing locally adapted elements such as deeply recessed openings, mashrabiya screens, shaded interiors, and indirect natural light with an emphasis on the integration of architecture of a villa in Dubai, its interior spaces, and play of light and shadows within the context of a local semi-arid landscape.

design and architecture of villas in dubai beach

Based on the client’s request to make the entrance feel different from other villa architecture in Dubai, the entrance is reached through the tree canopy that creates an entrance courtyard made of stone, establishing the public dimension and the threshold of the house. Beyond this, the client wanted an impressive approach to the private interior of the house, and the design has been able to successfully and slowly reveal the interiors and the way the circulation is planned, it causes the spaces slowly unfold in an experiential and spatial journey.

The concept for this villa architecture in Dubai is informed by local characteristics as well. social, environmental, and material and the layering of spaces and architectural elements are designed to establish a balance of openness, privacy, sunlight, shade, and views toward the tree canopy.

design and architecture of villas in dubai area

design and architecture of villas in dubai

The natural vegetative screen filters the architecture, which is expressed in pure monolithic elements of stone and wood that suspend over the garden shading outdoor spaces and terraces.

The interior space unfolds gradually and slowly as the client wanted the outdoors to fade and slowly dissolve into the indoors. From the compressed entrance courtyard, the space is limited by entry, and passing through that, it dramatically expands into the central living space. This is the most important feature of the design and architecture of villas in design processDubai area and acts as a core for both plan and architecture.

Based on another request made by the client, this massive core area serves as both formal and family living spaces, and it’s exaggerated by the double-height grand lounge, which is balanced with a more intimate grand dining room and mezzanine family lounge. This way the architecture of a villa in Dubai can take full advantage of the view and light at different heights and aspects.

design and architecture of villas in dubai city

design and architecture of villas in dubai city

design and architecture of villas in the uae pictures

Designed by MMA Projects, Villa AZ is located on the exclusive Palm Jumeirah, one of the three artificial islands built off the coast of the United Arab Emirates, and is one of the best examples of design and architecture of villas on Dubai beach.

With a sophisticated and essential elegance requested by a young Arabian family, Villa AZ stands out for its simple lines referencing the Arab style. The exteriors have been cleaned of excessive decorations and redundant elements, opting for a grand reveal of high-quality materials.

Villa architecture in the Dubai

design and architecture of villas in dubai beach

As a tribute to Arab culture and to be consistent with the context in which the villa stands, some elements in bronzed metal have been added to this villa architecture in Dubai. Based on the client’s request to use remnants of traditional Arab architecture and inspired by the mashrabiyya, a natural forced ventilation mechanism typical of the architecture of Arab countries, the delicate geometric designs of the panels that adorn the façade are designed.

design and architecture of villas in dubai beach

design and architecture of villas in dubai area

The inlaid wooden grids were used to decorate windows, loggias, and balconies to bring light, identity, and a sense of mystery to the entire home. On the outside, the architecture of a villa in Dubai redefined the landscape, equipping it with natural wood flooring and new tree species to make the building cozy and warm.

design and architecture of villas in dubai

design and architecture of villas in dubai city

For the interiors, as the client requested, a luxurious look with contemporary highlights, marble and natural, high-end wood has been chosen for floors, walls, and coverings. In addition, to add an Arabic-style touch to the interiors in this villa architecture in Dubai, bronze inserts and decorations enrich and give warmth to the environment. The refined profiles and bronze sector recall the metal of the mashrabiyya while fitting into the facade, helping to capture the sunlight and reflect it in its warmest and softest tones.

design and architecture of villas in the uae pictures

design and architecture of villas in the uae pictures

design and architecture of villas in UAE pictures

Twin villas are a series of villas designed to be adaptable to suit varying site orientations requested by a single client in Dubai. Set within rectangular plots, the twin villas are conceived as a reinterpretation of the traditional Arabic courtyard house in a modern way to fit the client’s way of living. The architecture of a villa in Dubai in this project is Carved out of a solid volume screened with full-height openings and a variety of courtyards to provide maximum natural light while keeping privacy in the interior spaces and modulating sunlight views.

The façade concept was due to the client’s request to be as minimal as possible, So, in this villa architecture in Dubai, we see an expressed façade in the shape of a pure cast concrete frame emphasizing the vertical and creating a variety of openings related to the interior spaces. This house is completely open to the street and garden but also closed on the sides, so it provides a great front view of the yard and landscape but also keeps privacy in the more interior and private spaces. The full-height openings are framed by concrete and ensure maximum natural light and views with modular screens to filter direct sunlight and ensure privacy.

Villa architecture in the Dubai

Villa architecture in the Dubai

Approaching along the side garden leads to an internal courtyard that reaches the open living space with a garden, a full-width shaded terrace, and a small pool. Based on the client’s growing family there are few multi-function spaces which next to service spaces, occupy the street side screened by a stone wall and sliding garage door.

For more information, visit the Dubai villa projects page.

By taking a look at the design and architecture of villas in Dubai, we see in most contemporary houses, the upper-level master bedroom and the family lounge occupy the garden side and are mostly connected with bedrooms to the main courtyard. In this project, there is also a second interior courtyard that allows light and ventilation to the main service spaces in the center.

Natural materials are employed to reinforce the client’s concept of the villa; cast concrete façade, local natural stone walls, full-height openings, and mashrabiya wood screens to provide privacy and filter the natural light to the warm interiors. The landscape is also integral in creating a natural environment in which the villas are situated.

Architecture of a villa in Dubai

design and architecture of villas in dubai beach


As mentioned in these examples, we see the clients play a major role in leading the design team in the early stages. The client’s ideas and culture have an undeniable effect on each step of the design process. In these mentioned projects of villa architecture in Dubai we noticed how the younger clients and families are more drifted from traditional Arab architecture and prefer minimalism with a touch of Arabic architectural elements, on the other hand, larger families with members from different generations were more into traditional elements and way of living.

The role the clients play in the process of design is wider than residential projects. We see on a larger scale, the way clients describe the project they have in mind changes the entire process and helps or, in some cases hurts the finished result. It is important to keep in mind that the clients, especially in residential projects or holiday homes, are the end-user as well.


Commercial Architecture, (n, d), Grisafe Architecture, accessed 13 Jan 2023,

 • Burj Residence, (2020), Home Stratosphere, accessed 13 Jan 2023 .

 • J3 Villa, (n, d), Loci, accessed 13 Jan 2023

Villa AZ, (n, d), MMA Projects, accessed 13 Jan 2023.

 • Twin Villas, (n, d), Loci, accessed 13 Jan 2023